Partnerships, associations and connections
Know You More (www.knowyoumore.com)
I am a founder member and coach with Know You More. I was attracted to work with KYM because of the ethos and their energetic approach. I remember an early conversation in which Tim, the founder, described his mission as to 'supercharge coaching, supercharge coaches'. He meant to make coaching available to those who need it as they develop their leadership credentials as well as those already in leadership positions. He wanted to broaden the reach of coaches by facilitating them in doing virtual coaching, thereby extending their reach and accessibility to clients. I have coach public, private, and social sector clients with KYM who use their commerial coaching to underwrite the costs of coaching to social enterprise as well as providing a proportion of all coaching income directly into community projects. KYM are a great team to work with as are the community of coaches they have brought together. KYM thoroughly deserve their International Coaching Award for 2018 from the EMCC.

Clore Social Leadership
I am one of a small team of coaches engaged by Clore Social to evaluate the uptake of coaching in the leadership ranks of the social sector. It is great to be involved with a number of clients who are leading different campaigning organisations and to support them in delivering on their objectives. Clore Social have posted a blog of mine in which I describe the value of coaching as I see it. You can access the blog through this link.

Labfact (www.labfact.eu/associated-companies/)
It is a while since my chemistry days. Yet while my research days may be over is a pleasure to support the current generation of researchers. Labfact is about turning laboratories into factories by converting one molecule into another using flow processes adn replacing chemical reagents with energy through light, pressure, microwaves etc. In principle a combination of these techniques may offer cheap and high volume access to chemicals without an environmental penalty!
I have done some work with the community that are the engine room of research across all subjects in the UK - post doctoral researchers (PDRAs). Phase 1 of a programme with the working title of Develop from Within is about developing the emotional intelligence with PDRAs to provide benefits within their research contract and help in their thinking about next career steps.
Maximum Coaching (maximumperformance.co.uk/maximum-coaching/)
My journey towards a career commitment to coaching began with an open day session with Maximum Coaching. At the time I was looking for a change and I found it on that day. I signed up for the training that Maximum coaching gives to clients who are looking to be accreditied by the International Coach Federation. Several years later I find myself acting as a coach assessor on this programme. It is great to give something back to this valuable training experience that I benefitted from and of course I have the added benefit of learning from all of the observation and assessment I am doing too!