Feedback from 1-2-1 Coaching Clients
At the heart of coaching is a confidential conversation between coach and client, often one that touches on very personal thoughts and feelings. Inviting feedback from clients is therefore something that needs to be done with sensitivity, yet without expectation. I am so grateful to those clients who have taken the time to offer feedback and some of this is shared below. After the narrative provided by Mike (thanks Mike) there are some videos that relate to what it is like to be coached by me, informed by feedback from clients. There are then three forms of feedback (i) comments from clients at the end of the coaching partnerships (ii) characterisation of the experience and the impact of being coached by me (iii) an assessment of how people experience the pillars of Trust Support Challenge Change in my coaching practice.
I had several months of coaching from Jeremy in 2021/22 and cannot recommend him enough. I initiated the coaching after an exceptionally busy and challenging period had left me unfocused, unconnected and feeling I was not utilising my strengths in a way that made me truly productive in my role. With Jeremy's help, I recalibrated my sense of purpose and perspective which has really benefited both my work and home lives.
Jeremy is a coach who thinks carefully about the connections between the practical and the emotional. He has a powerful yet subtle way of enabling better connections between issues you're currently facing, your known strengths, and the successes you've had in your past. I found this particularly valuable in both reconnecting with my purpose and finding confidence and energy to deal with challenging situations. I also appreciated Jeremy's adroit way of challenging me when the situation required it; he has a powerful yet non-confrontational knack for this, which I found resonated with me long after the session. The coaching has had a definite impact on my ability to ground myself and find perspective when faced with challenges, before I tackle them. This in turn has had a positive impact on my decision making.
In summary, please do consider engaging Jeremy - I found my time with him was extremely beneficial.
Mike Rogers MBE
Assistant Director Global Health Research at NIHR